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Soluciones integrales en acristalamiento - Vidurglass

Glazed covers – Skylights

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  • Description

  • Technical characteristics

When used to cover buildings Vidursolar glass-glass PV modules permit extraordinary design possibilities both, for the skyklight itself and for the interior space through selective light transmission. Hence, they represent a key-element in modern solar architecture. The custom-made manufacture of these PV modules offers great flexibility in designing natural light effects in the interior, depending on the positioning of cells, distance between them, colour of the module etc. With the use of transparent perforated PV cells a very fine dispersion of light is achieved in the interior of the covered space. At the same time, these modules take over the same protection functions as traditional glazing units. For this application it is very important to take into account high resistance against breakage of the interlayer to obtain adequate safety against falling glass in the case of glass breakage. Simple laminated or insulating glass can be used if greater thermal protection is required.

Moreover, in coverings it is easier than in façades to place the PV glass at an optimised angle to achieve high energy yields.

  • Shapes: Any geometric form is possible to be produced (rectangular, triangular, trapezoidal or special irregular shapes).
  • Size and thickness: Our photovoltaic glass modules are produced with size and thickness in order to suit any architectural specification for any individual project. Sizes up to 3.000 mm x 1.600 mm and up to 17,5 mm thickness are standard. Bigger sizes and thicknesses to be consulted.
  • Double glazing: Photovoltaic double glazing units with insulation chambers of different sizes can be produced, with U-values down to 1,1 W/m2K.
  • Coloured glass: A big variety of coloured glass finishes are available, directly applied to the rear glass or translucent with a coloured PVB-film interlayer.
  • Type of photovoltaic cells: We have different technologies with different aesthetical finishes available. It is possible to choose among, monocrystalline, polycrystalline, also in a broad range of colours, but also perforated cells. On the other hand thin-film cells are available as opaque or semitransparent elements (10% or 20% or transparency).
  • Transparency: The distance between photovoltaic cells is variable according to the degree of natural light transmission or solar protection required in each project.
  • Electrical connections: Different electrical connection systems can be applied according to the specific project requirements, from junction boxes on the rear glass to edge terminals to be hidden in the support structure.
  • Mechanical glass processing: Realisation of drillings, etc. for example necessary for point fixing of the PV glass modules. Also other mechanical treatments are possible under request, like notches and cut-outs.

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