Type of glass
The laminated glass, curved tempered and flat temperate are designed to meet your needs on vertical transport. Its great strength and safety make this product an indispensable material in cabs and elevator doors. Also the new products such as Power Vidur Decorlam Glass bind to multiple design options in terms of colors and textures offering a wide range of aesthetic possibilities.
You can include any product Vidurglass in this type of application:
- Glass painted with enamels VIDURVITRI
- Screen printing or laser twin paint
- Glass with fabric. DECORLAM FABRIC
- Glass with mesh in between. DECORLAM MESH
- Glass with photo. DECORLAM PHOTO
- Semi-transparent colored glass. DECORLAM COLOR
- Glass with LEDs. POWER GLASS
- Glass effect "broken". CRAQUELE
- Printed glass
- Custom glass
- Matt acid glass
- Sand frosted glass
- Low-e glass
And with any kind of form or finish:
- Monolithic or simple flat glass
- Cylindrical curved tempered glass
- Spherical or curved glass with complex curvature
- Flat double glazing
- Cylindrical curved double glazing
- Double glazed spherical curved or complex curvature
- Flat laminated glass
- Cylindrical curved laminated glass
- Spherical curved laminated glass or complex curvature